A business falls victim to ransomware every 11 seconds
Every year, the number of phishing attacks increases 67%
90% of all successful data breaches start with a phishing email
80% of all businesses experience at least one serious cyber threat every month
The stats are scary! What is your business doing about it?
Firewall? Not effective when your own staff are being tricked into letting the scammer in
Anti-Virus software? Phishing emails are mostly not detected by anti-virus software because they are tricks designed to fool people, not malicious code.
Security monitoring? Doesn’t help if a staff member is fooled into giving away sensitive information.
Protected, up to date computers? Essential, but can’t stop a staff member making a mistake through lack of knowledge.
All the above are of course essential, but they are almost worthless if your staff lack the knowledge to identify scams and the skills to know how to deal with them when they make the inevitable mistake that puts your company at risk.
So what does work?
Cyber Security Staff Awareness Training.
- The best protection from Cyber crime you can invest in
- Will pay you back many times over – every month
- Easy to implement and keep up to date
FooForce delivers comprehensive security services including engaging, effective Staff Awareness Training.
Contact FooForce today we can help protect your business from cyber threats.
Frances Russell is an expert in IT Security and Risk Management with 20+ years managing IT for SMEs.
Call today for a no obligation chat about your IT needs
frances.russell@fooforce.com | www.fooforce.com | 1300 366 367